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Stary 2007-06-13, 13:39   #68
Avatar aaliyah
Zarejestrowany: 2005-08
Wiadomości: 5 636
Dot.: kosmetyki Clinique - wasze opinie

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Wyczytalam gdzies na forum, tylko dokladnie nie pamietam w ktorym watku, zaraz sprobuje poszukac Nie wiem tylko na ile sprawdzona jest ta informacja, jednak na moje oko moze oscylowac wokolo tych 0,5%
Jestem ciekawa skad sie wziela ta informacja i czy jest w jakis sposob potwierdzona (poza metoda organoleptyczna ). Wklejam odpowiedz od Clinique, ktora dostalam mailem jakis czas temu:

"I refer to my email dated 18th April 2007 and can now confirm the

Salicylic Acid

It is a long-standing company policy not to disclose the percentage of
product ingredients to
consumers as this is considered proprietary. However, our Physician
Services Department may
be able to divulge additional information if the query comes directly from
the consumer's doctor
or dermatologist.

Of the products listed, we do use Salicylic Acid as an ingredient in the

Clarifying Lotion 3
Clarifying Lotion 4

Alcohol Denat.

As this is a "Right to Know" ingredient, the alcohol denat percentages are
as follows:-

Clarifying Lotion 1 - 611502 - 10 - 20%
Clarifying Lotion 2 - 620202 - 40 - 50%
Clarifying Lotion 3 - 612502 - 40 - 50%
Clarifying Lotion 4 - 613102 - 40 - 50%

For advice on the suitability of the Clarifying Lotions please discuss at
the counter with a
Clinique Consultant who can review your specific skin needs.

Please be assured of our best attention."
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